Our Story

Dacques Nini


Graduate Gemologist - GIA

Graduate - Canadian Gemmological Association

Dacques has traveled to over 40 countries in pursuit of the rarest and finest gemstones of color and colored diamonds.


From Dacques


I have sat with rough in my hands and studied its crystal structure and form. I have marked a stone for cleaving, sawing and not only mapped out its' facets but actually faceted them myself. It is not to say that I cut and facet every stone myself...it is to say that I know the worlds best cutters and faceter's around the globe in places like Belgium, Holland, Israel, etc.


I have an insatiable appetite for excellence in presenting stones to my clients that they would never see in a jewelry store. I don't keep a retail space because I cannot be married to a front door when I need to go get the best precious stone for a client at the source.


Being a Graduate Gemologist


Early in my career, I realized that I could simply sell jewelry in a major retailer without becoming a Graduate Gemologist. You will find that it is a common practice in the trade. However, being wired for excellence I was more than determined to earn being a Graduate Gemologist. My quest for understanding has led to the most prestigious credential in the industry on a global stage.


The GIA Graduate Gemologist program provides the most comprehensive knowledge regarding technical expertise and practical skill to evaluate diamonds and colored stones.


Several countries maintain Gemological Associations which offer complementing education experiences and credentials. I am honored to have completed courses in South Africa with Harry Oppenheimer in Rough Diamond Evaluation; as well as the Graduate Diploma program with the Canadian Gemmological Association.
